The Cosmic Bond : My connection with "The Universe"

 Let me share a beautiful relationship , "My connection with The Universe ." Why I feel so much connected to the Universe ? Why I love Universe ? Why most of my paintings are related to the Universe like stars, milky way, galaxies , planets , comets, cosmos etc. And why I love watching movies or series related to the Universe like The Stranger Things(features elements related the Universe), The Martian, Gravity, Lost in space, Guardians of the Galaxy etc. 

Since childhood , the stars in the sky have always attracted me the most. I remember going to the terrace after my dinner to gaze at the sky. I would often engage in conversation with the stars. And also during my childhood, I was so overwhelmed with the story of  "Dhruva" which is associated with prominent star in Hindu mythology . Dhruva is believed to be the pole star or the North star. The story of Dhruva revolves around a young prince who attained great spiritual enlightenment and was blessed to become an eternal star in the sky. Even during my school days, there was a chapter in geography dedicated to the study of planets. I used to be fascinated by planets. 

As I grew older, I gradually began to forget about the Universe .๐Ÿ˜”

During the year 2020, amidst the COVID19 pandemic, I experienced the loss of many relationships. It had a significant impact on me. 

Then I came across the book "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne, which consists of 28 chapters. I began implementing its teachings into my daily life, reestablishing my connection with "The Universe". Allow me to provide you with a brief overview of this book.

"The Magic" is a self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne, known for her popular book "The Secret." In "The Magic," Byrne explores the power of gratitude and its ability to transform lives. The book consists of 28 daily exercises and practices aimed at cultivating a grateful mindset. Through these practices, readers are encouraged to appreciate and express gratitude for various aspects of their lives, including relationships, health, work, and finances. "The Magic" emphasizes the profound impact gratitude can have on one's well-being, relationships, and overall happiness. It serves as a guide to help readers harness the transformative power of gratitude and attract positive experiences into their lives.

And I began painting on canvas, exploring themes inspired by "The Universe".

My First painting of "The Universe " ( Blue Milky way )

A colorful Universe painting :

One day, I randomly stumbled upon the YouTube channel "SynchroShakti" by Kartika Nair. I was captivated by her voice, so I started following her channel and implementing her teachings.

Both the author, Rhonda Byrne, and the coach, Kartika Nair, have explained the same concept known as "The Law of the Universe."

The law of Universe tells about three things " Ask it . Believe it . Receive it. "

Asking involves clearly stating or defining our desires or intentions. It requires being specific about what we want and setting clear intentions for what we wish to attract into our lives.

Believing is about cultivating a deep sense of faith and conviction that what we desire is already on its way to us. It involves maintaining a positive mindset, visualizing and affirming our desired outcomes, and eliminating doubts or limiting beliefs that may hinder our progress.

Receiving entails being open and receptive to the opportunities, resources, and experiences that come our way. It involves staying aligned with our desires, taking inspired action, and trusting that the universe will provide what we need in divine timing.

And the most important part is by incorporating gratitude into our daily lives, we align ourselves with the positive energies of the universe and open ourselves up to receive more of what we desire. It helps us maintain a positive mindset, attract positive experiences, and deepen our connection with the Law of the Universe.

By practicing gratitude in my life, I have come to realize that I am not perfect, but I have become a better person. Gratitude has taught me to appreciate the positive aspects of my life and to focus on the things I have rather than dwelling on what I lack. It has allowed me to cultivate a more positive mindset and has helped me find contentment and fulfillment in the present moment. Through gratitude, I have learned to accept my imperfections and embrace the process of personal growth. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the progress I have made on my journey towards becoming a better version of myself.

I have a diary where I consistently write about my dreams, regardless of their size. Whether they are small dreams or big dreams, it doesn't matter to me—I continue to expand my list.

Trust me, a few of my dreams have already been ticked off, and one of my biggest dreams, my dream home, became a reality this year 2023 . I have shared a video about my dream home on my Instagram and Facebook profiles.

The keys to my dream home :

So, this is my story of connection with the universe. ๐Ÿ’•

What is yours ?

Please do post your comments. ๐Ÿ˜Š

#Gratitude๐Ÿ™ #thankful #connect2Universe #mylove4Universe #manifest #affirmations #dreams

You can find most of my universe paintings in the link below:

The video of my dream home can be found in the link below:


  1. Wow!!! Your blog post was incredibly insightful and well-written! I truly enjoyed reading it from start to finish.


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