The Cosmic Canvas : A dream come true

 This short story is about a canvas that holds the universe within it , a dream intertwined with the cosmos that finally came true.

My journey began with a deep belief in "The Universe" . Though I have always love to paint, my connection to the cosmos is profound , and it is this connection that inspires most of my artwork.

I still remember that during my childhood days , I always used to gaze at the night sky , absorbing its vastness and beauty .  

I felt so connected to the universe that most of my paintings are related to the cosmos. So, in my paintings, you can find all the stars, planets, moon, milky way, galaxies, asteroids, comets and many more .

The Universe was heling me secretly , feeling my love and passion. It was one of my dream to conduct my own painting workshop and this year on 22nd June, 2024 , this dream came true.

My first painting workshop was on theme "Cherry Blossom" and I had 10 participants.

I am so blessed and grateful that the Universe made my dream a reality.

The Universe has always been my inspiration, guiding both my hand and heart. Through this guidance, my passion for painting transformed into a cosmic canvas. This is the essence of my journey, a story about a dream intertwined with the cosmos.

So , start believing, start attracting .

Thank you , Universe ...

"Believe in the law of attraction , believe in the law of Universe ."

                                                 First Painting Workshop : "Cherry Blossom"

Some of my Universe paintings : 

The Celestial Sapphire painting

The Cosmic Twins Painting



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